How To Catch Dusky Flathead
There are several Australian fish species that could be labelled iconic, with barramundi, Murray cod and snapper all regarded as prized targets. However, the humble dusky flathead might just be top of the list thanks to its distribution and accessibility for anglers along east coast estuaries. It has great sport fishing qualities and, of course, a unique shape and features

Livebaiting For Kingfish
Due to the kingfish’s range and location around the country, it opens up a whole host of angling methods, with jigging probably being the best-known technique. However, past years have seen topwater fishing with poppers and stick baits become hugely popular, and while I do love these forms of fishing, it’s live baiting that really gets me excited – as

Goulbourn River Trout
As floods and generally horrid weather swept through Victoria at the start of spring, I didn’t make the annual journey to Victoria’s Goulburn Valley for the opening of trout season. That made it three years in a row I had missed trout opening (thanks to lockdowns) and almost two years since I’d been trout fishing. To be honest, I hadn’t really missed it, or given it much

Offshore Gummy Sharks
While the humble gummy shark does venture into our bays, the largest numbers of gummies are found offshore between the surf beaches and the edge of the continental shelf. Here gummies are in great numbers as they roam Bass Strait and our southern coastline. Fishing for gummies in this offshore ground anywhere from 20m deep out to 200m is a

Post Flood Cod
It was touch and go whether to attempt fishing a swollen Murrumbidgee – but the trip brought some trophy cod and a flood of ideas. Should we go or should we stay? Does the risk outweigh the reward? They’re the key cod conundrums we have deliberated most in recent times. With fluctuating river levels, we have had to cancel trips

East Coast Snapper
Words & Images: Al McGlashan An attractive fish with silvery pink flanks dotted with brilliant iridescent blue spots, the snapper is one of our most sought-after species. In Australia they are plentiful right around the southern half of the country, from Exmouth to Gladstone,, and the species is found sporadically across temperate waters of the Indo-Pacific from Japan to India

How To Catch Mulloway
Words & Images: Mark Gerkovich For anglers who don’t fish offshore, mulloway are perhaps the pinnacle of saltwater species for people fishing their local rivers, estuaries or beaches. But despite this, due to their elusive habits, they seem an unachievable myth to most. Here are a few ideas to help you on your journey to debunking the myths and improving

How To Catch Mangrove Jack On Plastics
Sixteen years ago, as I made the move to Queensland, the goal of catching my first mangrove jack was nearly as important as finding a home. Like so many southerners wanting to catch their first, I had become somewhat obsessed with the look of these fish, and the stories of their aggression and power only added fuel to the fire.

Targeting Dusky Flathead
Words & Images: John Cahill Humble is the most common word I see associated with flathead, but to me nothing about them is humble. In fact, when I have big dusky on the line, be it on finesse bream gear or something more appropriate, it’s not uncommon for my leg to get the shakes until it’s secure in the net.