canal bream on plastics
For anyone interested in the finesse side of angling, targeting and catching bream residing in man-made canals has become arguably the most popular and competitive options out there. Although bream have been residing in man-made canals since man began building them, the tournament fishing phenomena that has taken over Australia has really benchmarked this species as one of our top

Topwater Barra
Not many experiences in fishing compare to having your surface lure engulfed right before your very eyes. Targeting Australia’s premier sportfish, the barramundi in this manner is not only exhilarating but very effective when conditions suit. Spread across the top half of Australia the barra is accessible to a vast population of people. Whether targeting them in stocked impoundments, billabongs,

trolling the flats
The tropics of Australia offer many varied and challenging scenarios in which to target the mighty barramundi. However, if big wild barramundi are your primary target, one of the more productive techniques is trolling the tidal flats and channels at the mouths of large arterial rivers in the run-off. During this time of the year annual floodwaters carry a bounty

Fishing the flush
In Australia’s tropical north January traditionally heralds the start of the wet season and more often than not that means rain. It’s also the time of the year when most fisherman switch their efforts away from their piscatorial pursuits and focus on the more mundane tasks such as reel services and changing rusty old trebles on their favourite lures. It’s

Trolling for Barramundi
Barramundi are without a doubt the iconic sportfish in the Northern half of the country. They have the ability to hit hard, jump, destroy tackle and grow to an impressive size. Nothing in north Australian estuary fishing compares to witnessing a big barra in full flight, gills flared and mouth open, trying to dislodge your lure. After this the angler

Impoundment Barra
Impoundment Barra have behavioral characteristics which have baffle the most seasoned of anglers. Every successful session has been paid for with many fruitless hours or days on the water. It’s true, there is no substitute for experience. However, with the following information, one can steepen the learning curve when trying to crack the dam Barra code. As with all fish,

Australian Salmon In The Surf
When Australian salmon by the thousand come within reach of anglers casting from the shore on the southern coastline, mayhem begins. Every angler in an ear shot is out to get a piece of the action. It’s not hard to see why fisho’s go to extremes to chase these fish. They are a powerful sport fish which run hard, are

Skinny Water Aussie Bass
If you’re like me, at the end of yet another brutal week at work, all you want to do is go fishing! The problem is, most of us can’t just simply hitch the boat up and go away for a few days over the weekend. The bloody lawn needs mowing, the fridge needs re-stocking, and the Mrs insists on having

Shutdown Aussie Bass
“A bad day’s fishing is better than a good day at work.” If this is a phrase that you’re all too familiar with, then chances are you have experienced a few of those dreadful doughnut days when you can’t catch a fish to save your life. They are so bloody frustrating that you even contemplate taking up golf! But rest easy, gain